Little People Big World

Little People, Big World: Tori Roloff’s Biggest Mom Struggles

Little People, Big World: Tori Roloff’s Biggest Mom Struggles

Little People Big World: Tori Roloff

Tori Roloff from Little People, Big World opens up about her biggest struggles as a mom. Being a mother of three isn’t always easy, but it is a role she enjoys.

Little People, Big World: Tori Roloff Struggles with Patience

Tori Roloff loves being a mother. She is grateful that she gets to stay at home and be with her children all day. However, being a stay-at-home mother isn’t an easy job. Not only does she spend her day running around caring for three children, but she also deals with mom guilt.

Little People Big World: Tori Roloff
Little People, Big World | Youtube

The Little People, Big World reality star opens up about her biggest struggle as a mother. She explains that there are days when she is exhausted and not in a good headspace. During those moments, she doesn’t have the patience to deal with her kids. So, she takes her frustration out on them a little.

When Tori puts her kids to bed, she wonders if she gave her kids enough grace and patience throughout the day. She also questions if she gave them enough love.

Tori Questions Time Spent with Children

Tori feels that her kids are all at the age where they always want her attention and want to play with her, and it is hard when there are three of them and only one of her.

The Little People, Big World cast member feels the most guilt with her oldest son, Jackson Roloff. She explains that her two younger kids need her more. So, Jackson will get put on the back burner. She will tell him to hold on while she finishes doing something else.

So, Tori will go to bed and wonder if she spent enough time with Jackson. She also questions if she spoke to him enough throughout the day. It makes her feel mom guilt. She doesn’t want her child to feel like she is neglecting him.

Little People Big World: Tori Roloff - Zach Roloff
Tori Roloff & Zach Roloff | Youtube

Little People, Big World Celeb Takes Direct Approach to Parenting

Tori Roloff also struggles with patience with her kids. She explains that her youngest, Josiah Roloff, is at an age where he can’t effectively communicate. So, she reveals that he tends to yell a lot, cry, or demand things. Most of the time, she is patient with him, but there are days when she tells him to stop yelling at her.

The Little People, Big World star admits that she and Zach Roloff do not practice “gentle parenting.” However, she believes in taking the “love and logic” approach. She feels that they are direct with their children. The TLC star also likes to give their children options, which she believes gives them some sense of control over their choices.

Tori feels that she and Zach are too direct to be gentle parents. However, she explains that they aren’t the extreme opposite. They are somewhere in the middle when it comes to their parenting style.

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