General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Is Furious At Sam, Big Trouble Follows

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Is Furious At Sam, Big Trouble Follows

General Hospital Spoilers - Sam's Investigation
GH/ Sam investigates

General Hospital Spoilers for Tuesday, June 18th, 2024, will focus on escalated tension between Carly and Sam. Cody will find himself in a dilemma, while Anna plans a secret search of Valentin’s house. As the drama skyrockets in the upcoming episode, fans can keep themselves on the edge of their seats.

Cody Is Doubtful

In the upcoming GH episode, Cody is hesitant to tell Mac about their relationship. Viewers know that Mac is Cody’s real father. As he speaks to Sasha, she believes he should tell Mac the truth and form a real relationship with him. She further insists Cody to stay honest about the whole situation and confront Mac. But, Cody will still have concerns about how this revelation would affect their lives.

General Hospital Spoilers - Cody Is Doubtful
GH/ Cody is hesitating

Anna’s Secret Search Plan

Later in the episode, Anna will accept a dinner invitation from Valentin. However, she questions whether meeting him would be a good decision or not. While Valentin tries to sweet-talk to Anna and pull her closer, she will have something else on her mind. The spoilers reveal that Anna will plot to search Valentin’s house to get some evidence about him running the Pikeman. Once she gets the access to his house, Anna will start working on her real motive which is to put Val away for good.

General Hospital Spoilers - Anna’s Secret Search Plan
GH/ Anna is plotting her search plan

John’s Plan For Anna

Furthermore in the episode, Scott and Lucy’s meetup will take the center stage. Scott catches up with Lucy and the two discuss a conspiracy. While working on a new project together, Scott will discover something that he believes to be effective.

In another part of town, John approaches Jason at the coffee warehouse with exciting news, announcing that Jason is finally free. However, complications will rise in the episode when John insists that Anna is the operational mastermind of Pikeman and wants to take her down. He will seek Jason’s help in this matter.

General Hospital Spoilers - John's Plan For Anna
GH/ John is planning to take down Anna

Whereas, Jason is aware that Valentin is the real boss of Pikeman and Anna is just being framed. Later, he will tell Anna about being framed for the whole issue. But, regular viewers know that Anna was already informed that John is suspicious by Jack Brennan. So, it seems that she will be thankful to Jack and Jason for tipping her off.

Carly Is Furious

Carly and Sam are involved in a heated argument in this episode. Carly seems to become frustrated with Sam over her revisiting the past. Carly will highlight that there was a time when Sam pressured Jason to have a child.So, this will might make Carly more furious when Sam complains about Jason’s parenting and potential dangers of him for their son, Danny. Even though Carly was angry at her, Sam is soon going need Carly for a big favor.

General Hospital Spoilers - Carly Is Furious
GH/ Carly shouts at Sam

Later in the episode, Sam will continue her investigation with the help of Damian to find out FBI’s leverage. GH spoilers suggest that tension in the show will rise as Sam pays a visit to Carly with some evidence in the coming week.

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