Days of Our Lives

Exposed at the Wedding, Konstantin Makes a Shocking Claim About Victor’s Death

Exposed at the Wedding, Konstantin Makes a Shocking Claim About Victor’s Death

In wedding attire, Maggie Xander Brady and Justin glower at Konstantin in the Kiriakis living room

Credit: Peacock screenshot

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As Brady and Theresa wake up in bed together, Theresa asks if he has any regrets. Surprisingly, no, Brady says. Theresa doesn’t either. Brady asks about Alex. “This will show him,” Theresa gloats. Brady rants about feeling used as Alex knocks on the door. Theresa primps before telling him to come in.

In the Kiriakis living room, Xander tries to make small talk with a distracted Justin, who taps on his phone. When he’s done, Justin says he’s officiating Maggie and Konstantin’s wedding ceremony. Xander is aghast, but Justin assures him the prenup protects Maggie. Xander knows a piece of paper won’t stop Konstantin.

After Bonnie treats Maggie to a hair appointment in the Square, Maggie checks her phone and hurries away. Sarah and Bonnie sit for coffee as Bonnie muses over Sarah’s own upcoming wedding. Sarah knows Bonnie and Xander don’t have the greatest history, but she’d love it if she came. Bonnie would be honored. Sarah shares her hope that Xander’s mom will make it, too. She explains the situation and that she’s nervous about calling her. Bonnie snatches Sarah’s phone and dials.

Steve gets an update about Clyde from Ava over the phone, as John meets Konstantin at the Kiriakis mausoleum. Konstantin flashes the Pawn card in front of John and hands him a gun. “I need you to kill my wife.” A stoic John says he’s clear on what he’s to do and tucks the gun into the back of his waistband.

Maggie rushes to Steve’s place to tell him the transfer of funds from the Titan account has been initiated. Konstantin thought he could take her money, but now he’ll be the one to pay. John arrives to learn they have the ammunition for Konstantin to be arrested before the wedding takes place. John is happy to hear that since Konstantin just ordered The Pawn to kill Maggie as soon as they’re married. John taped their conversation but he’s not sure it’s enough. So, their trap will be carried out as planned.


Alex tenses upon seeing Theresa in bed with Brady and turns to leave. She tells him to give her thirty minutes. Or maybe an hour, she purrs, looking at Brady. Furious, Brady grabs his clothes and storms out. Theresa gets out of bed, reminding Alex he’s seeing Kristen, so he can’t be upset with her. He says he and Kristen are over. She made him see that he only wants to be with Theresa. He’s crazy about her. Theresa wonders why he kept pushing her away then. He has a feeling that she’s keeping something from him.

As Xander and Justin bicker over the wedding, Brady saunters into the living room. Why does everyone have to get married in this house? he grouses. Xander deduces his mood has to do with Theresa. Brady leaves to get ready for the wedding.

Konstantin enters the living room, whereupon Xander tells him he’s not fit to dust Maggie’s figurines, let alone marry her. He’s a big step down from Victor. Konstantin shouts that Xander is in the dark about Victor. He detested Xander and thought of him as a glorified gardener. Xander insists that’s not true, but Konstantin points to Victor not even leaving him a single penny in his will.

Upstairs, Theresa swears she’s not keeping anything from Alex. He believes her, but asks if she’ll keep seeing Brady. She flashes to scheming with Konstantin to make Alex the Kiriakis heir. However, she tells Alex she just wanted to get back at him for Kristen. He says it worked, but he understands why she did it. She wants to be with him and only him. They agree to make a commitment to each other. After he leaves, Theresa’s face falls. Sighing, she falls back on the bed and runs her hand over the sheets. “Do you want to be the Kiriakis heiress?” she tearfully says. “This is what you have to do.”


Brady returns to Theresa’s bedroom, wondering if Alex was upset to learn she doesn’t want to be exclusive with him. “Actually, I do want that,” she says. He reels over her 180, but blames himself for succumbing to her charms. She thinks it’s best they keep things simple for Tate’s sake and asks if they’re cool. Sure, Brady says. Now that she used him to get what she wanted, they’re cool. Growing angry, he says he blames himself for making the same mistake he swore he’d never make again. Theresa fights tears as he leaves. “Keep your eye on the prize, girl. You had no choice, you had to let him go.”

In the Square, Bonnie starts to leave a voicemail for Xander’s mother, but Sarah takes the phone from her. She leaves her own rambling message, explaining she’s engaged to Xander and is the mother of her grandchild. She invites her to the wedding.


As everyone gathers in the Kiriakis living room, Bonnie tells Xander that Sarah got called to the hospital. But also, they left a message for his mother about the wedding. Xander knows it’s what Sarah wants, but he’d be fine if he never saw his mother again. Across the room, Theresa cautiously approaches Brady, who turns away from her. Justin invites everyone to sit and begins the ceremony.

With folded arms in the Kiriakis living room, Theresa stares emotionally. A large white and peach floral arrangement displays behind her

As Justin asks for the rings, his phone beeps. He says it’s an alert from Titan. A large sum of money is missing from Victor’s trust, which Konstantin is in charge of. Konstantin insists to Maggie that he’s being framed, but she declares he’s going to prison for embezzling. He realizes she’s in on it, as well as Justin, and vows to make everyone pay. He pulls out The Pawn card, ordering John to take out his weapon. John obliges but raises his gun at Konstantin.

Wearing sharp suits at the Kiriakis mansion, John and Steve gravely stand shoulder to shoulder. John aims a gun

Konstantin learns the original prenup is intact before Maggie rails at him for preying on her vulnerability over Victor. John and Steve realize he’s the one who had Victoria kidnapped to further ingratiate himself. Justin and Brady hold back Xander, who threatens to kill Konstantin. Maggie demands to know who his accomplice was in the kidnapping. Theresa pipes up that it doesn’t matter since he already admitted responsibility.

Konstantin shouts that they’re all a bunch of hypocrites. Victor was no saint. He didn’t even care that Catharina got caught in the crossfire of their war. Konstantin may not have gotten his revenge on them, but he did accomplish that with Victor. “It was me who was responsible for his death. I am the one who sabotaged his plane, sent him to a watery grave.”

In wedding attire, Konstantin leans forward scowling at Maggie. Gaping, she holds a file

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