Days of Our Lives

A Devastated Chanel Blames Paulina – and Theresa Panics Over Xander’s Mother

A Devastated Chanel Blames Paulina – and Theresa Panics Over Xander’s Mother

Johnny holds a scowling Chanel in her hospital bed. Paulina gapes at their bedside

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

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As Tate sleeps in, Brady and Marlena rehash the Prom debacle in their living room. When Brady sides with Theresa, Marlena wonders if it’s because he’s unhappy with what Tate did, or because of how he feels about Theresa. Brady insists they are just co-parents, but admits they had a “moment.” However, she wants to be with Alex. Marlena asks what he wants. Brady says his feelings don’t matter. She assures him she’s always on his side and leaves for work.

Over coffee in the DiMera mansion, Theresa fills Bonnie in on Prom. Bonnie muses last night was a total disaster for everyone. “Not everyone,” Alex says, entering. He kisses Theresa and shows off her engagement ring. Bonnie’s eyes bulge. When Theresa steps out to answer her father’s phone call, Bonnie asks Alex if he told his father. Glancing at Victor’s portrait, Alex says he did. Bonnie means Justin. Alex hasn’t, considering Justin expressed his concerns about Theresa. Bonnie sides with Justin, musing that Theresa is manipulating him. She asks, “Don’t you think you can do better?” Theresa returns, glaring.


Sitting on their couch, Xander and Sarah share a fraught look

After Sarah shows Xander their wedding invitations at home, he tells her that Maggie said he’s a lot like Victor. That’s why he was so hard on him. Sarah knows that deep down Victor did love him. “Way deep down,” Xander quips. Even when they were closer, Xander knows Victor just used him to do his dirty work. And when he had the chance to show him how he really felt, he didn’t leave him in his will.

At the hospital, Mark checks on a distraught Leo, who remembers him from the Square. Leo tells him about visiting his mother who has an uncanny knack of making him feel worthless and miserable. Mark hugs him. Leo pulls away apologizing. He assures him he was slobbering, but not drooling since Mark made it clear the other day that he’s not gay. “Did I say that?” Mark asks. Leo wonders if it’s not true. Is he bi? Bicurious? Had a crazy night in college?


Sitting next to Johnny in a hospital bed, a stressed looking Chanel leans toward Paulina at her bedside.

Before Mark can respond, Johnny and Paulina help a cramping Chanel off the elevator. He hurries them to a room and asks Paulina to wait outside. She reluctantly leaves and Chanel expresses how scared she really is. Johnny tries to comfort her.

After Marlena runs into Leo at the hospital coffee station, she agrees to see him for a few minutes. In Marlena’s office, Leo tells her about his disastrous visit with his mother. She gently tells him that he’s no longer a dependent child, so there’s no reason to give his mother power over him. He can do anything he likes, even love himself. Leo brightens, noting that hunky doctor thought he was worth talking to.


At the Kiriakis mansion, Theresa wonders why it’s okay for Bonnie to trash talk her behind her back. Bonnie states it’s nothing she wouldn’t say to her face. Justin has concerns about them being together. Alex assures his fiancée he trusts her and is committed to spending his life with her. Theresa thanks him, but wonders why Bonnie did a 180. Bonnie again invokes Justin’s concerns and changes the subject to Xander and Sarah’s wedding. Theresa assumes the guestlist will be short since Xander doesn’t have many friends. That may be, Bonnie says, but his mother might be there. With a look of panic, Theresa wonders if that’s a good idea since she’s a raging alcoholic. Bonnie pointedly suggests that she’s changed, “Like you.” Alex wonders why Theresa’s so concerned.


At their apartment, Sarah points out that Victor left everyone out of his will except Maggie and Alex. She hopes she and Victoria can make up for the things Victor didn’t give Xander. Sarah asks if he wants to take another shot at trying to find his mom. Xander balks, but when Sarah presses, he says there might be one other way to reach her.

As Mark performs an ultrasound, Johnny gives Chanel Felicity’s stuffed animal to hold. With a grave expression, Mark says, “I’m very sorry, Chanel. I’m afraid you’ve had a miscarriage.” Johnny and Chanel express heartbreaking confusion, especially since he told them earlier everything was fine. Mark explains a spontaneous loss like this can happen for any number of reasons and is not unusual. It’s probably cold comfort, but one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage. He tells them how sorry he is for their loss and leaves. A tear runs down Johnny’s face as he holds a sobbing Chanel.

In Marlena’s office, Leo excitedly tells her about having a moment with Mark. She reminds him he just meet the man. She doesn’t think he should read too much into it so as not to get hurt. He brings up his mother again, leading Marlena to assure him he’s a worthwhile human being. She’s impressed with his desire to understand himself and come to terms with his abusive parents.

At the mansion, Theresa explains herself by saying they need to be wary of long lost family and friends showing up after Konstantin. Bonnie says they can’t track Xander’s mother down anyway, so there’s nothing to worry about. “That’s too bad,” Theresa says, feigning disappointment. Bonnie walks out with Alex as he leaves for work. Theresa shoots a panicked glance up at Victor’s portrait.


Xander holds up a piece of paper to a delighted Sarah

At home, Xander hangs up with his aunt, who he explains doesn’t get along with his mother. However, his mother hit her up for money recently. His aunt doesn’t have her phone number, but she does have her address. Sarah beams.

As Brady works at Basic Black, he thinks back to his night with Theresa. Alex interrupts to tell him he and Theresa are engaged.

Sarah excitedly comes to the Kiriakis mansion to stuff invitations with Bonnie. Theresa impassively sips coffee as Sarah tells Bonnie Xander tracked down Xander’s mom. Theresa chokes on her coffee and nervously taps her cup.

At home, Xander tells Victoria there’s a chance she’ll meet her Grandma Cook. Noting his daughter’s big smile, he says, “You’re excited about it, huh? I’m afraid that makes one of us.”


On the phone at the hospital, Mark tells someone how hard it was telling his patients they lost their baby. He says they always know the right thing to say and that he’ll see them tonight. Leo approaches as he hangs up and asks who was on the phone. A friend? Significant other? Leo apologizes as it’s none of his business. Mark says it’s okay. “It was my… girlfriend, actually.” “Girlfriend. Right, of course,” Leo responds. After Mark walks away, Leo frowns. “Well, that answers that.”

Paulina comes to Chanel’s room as she continues sobbing in Johnny’s arms. Johnny tells her they lost the baby. “It happened because of what you did,” Chanel shouts. “This is all your fault.” Johnny glowers at his mother-in-law.

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