Chelsea and Adam Get Disturbing News About Connor — and Jill Stirs the Pot at Chancellor-Winters
Chelsea and Adam Get Disturbing News About Connor — and Jill Stirs the Pot at Chancellor-Winters

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Chelsea ushers Connor and Adam into a hotel room and asks what her son thinks. They go over how awesome the day has been with Connor able to leave campus. Connor says it’s amazing and the place is helping him. “You can tell right?” Chelsea pulls him into a hug and Connor groans that it’s, like, the millionth one.
Chelsea promises to ration her hugs as they dole out pizza. Connor wishes he could go back to Genoa City and everything is normal. His parents assure him they’ll all be together again soon. Connor worries about getting back to the facility and sticking to his schedule. He knows the place is expensive and feels bad they had to spend all that money to help him get well. Adam and Chelsea reassure him. Connor thanks them. He knows how lucky he is. Some of the kids, their parents don’t visit. For the first time ever, he feels like he can get better. “This place is helping me.” Chelsea asks for another hug and Connor allows it. Adam asks, “What about me.” They do a group hug.
At Society, Billy arrives and says he got Chance’s text… or summons. Chance wanted to talk, but not in the office. Billy presumes he’s heard rumblings. He would have told him sooner but he had to be sure Lily was on board and they had the votes. Chance frowns, “Wait… what are you talking about?” Billy asks, “What are you talking about?” Chance says, “Jill,” he heard about her condition and it worries the hell out of him.
Billy learns Jill told Chance about her condition and advised him that Billy is the only one who knows. They go over her not wanting pity and that she’s tired from the treatment. Chance asks if she’s telling him the truth or covering. Billy admits he’s been panicked, but Snapper seems optimistic, so it seems to be the truth. Chance can’t help but wish she was there. He remembers how they lost Katherine on the bucket-list tour and didn’t get to say goodbye. Chance wishes there was something he could do. Billy’s working on something regarding his mother’s legacy and could use his help.
At Chancellor-Winters, Lily asks Devon why he was interrogating her like she was a traitor in front of Billy. Nate tells his cousin he did go hard. Devon had to say something. Was he supposed to just roll over? “I had to make it seem like I felt a little betrayed or Billy would have suspected something.” Lily scoffs, “Well, bravo, it was quite the performance! It was a little too real, Devon. It was borderline hurtful.” Devon argues this plan won’t work unless he sells it. Lily asks why it felt like he was trying to trip her up. She recaps that everything is going according to plan; Billy believes she’s going to run Abbott-Chancellor with him. “Why does it feel like you’re trying to sabotage it?” Devon certainly isn’t, but the fact that she’s getting so upset over nothing makes him wonder if this is what she wants to do.
Devon thinks Lily seems pretty jazzed about the idea of leaving Winters behind and joining Billy at Abbott-Chancellor. Lily says she’s selling it, like he was. Devon also saw them toasting. Lily says that was also part of the plan. Nate backs Lily up, but Devon says what their cousin doesn’t know is that it took weeks, maybe months, for Lily to come to him in the first place and tell him Billy wanted to oust him. Lily bristles, “I told you why I waited. Things were very tense between you and Billy, I didn’t want to make it worse.” She fumes, “What do you think? I’m just some liar waiting to betray you?!”
Adam and Chelsea return to the hotel after taking Connor back to school, and enthuse about their son finally turning a corner. Chelsea’s giddy. Adam says a giant weight has been lifted off their shoulders. They gush about seeing the spark in Connor’s eyes again. It feels like he’s really getting better. Adam wants to talk to the doctors about a timeline for him coming home. Chelsea warns they have to be patient and continue to trust them. Adam says, “You’re right. Again.” He marvels that she doesn’t cut him any slack, “And I mean that in the best way possible.” Chelsea says he’s also stopped her from spinning out. “I’m glad we’ve had each other to lean on.” Adam takes her in his arms and strokes her head.
At Society, Chance has heard about the demerging and questions why Lily would want to break up what she built. Billy says she sees where the problems are. The constant in-fighting is a drain on the company and they need to get rid of the baggage. Chance says, “You mean Devon and Nate.” Billy says they don’t need the diversification that Hamilton-Winters brings. They need to focus on their own interests. Chance learns he plans to call it Abbott-Chancellor. He thinks the whole plan sounds like a contentious way to get things done. Billy’s confident Lily will get Devon on board. “No harm, no foul.”
At Chancellor, Devon thinks Lily may be lying to herself. Lily scoffs, “Do you know how condescending you are?!” Devon just wants to be sure she lands where she wants. He has heard her saying repeatedly how Jill handpicked her to run Chancellor because she had faith in her. “You don’t have that same experience on the Winters side of things.” Lily asks if she’s too experienced or not experienced enough. Devon points out that she mostly handles things on the Chancellor side. “We agreed to run Winters together.” Lily asks, “And now you’re having second thoughts.” Devon insists he’s not; he’s making sure she’s not. Lily gawps. He put her on the spot in front of Billy to test her loyalty?! “How dare you blindside me with a test I don’t even know I’m taking.” She fumes that if her brother doesn’t trust her, maybe she should reconsider joining him at Winters.
Devon asks if this is just her being upset, or looking for a reason to join Billy and stay with him. Lily argues that his whole demeanor screams that he doesn’t want her at Winters. Nate thinks they’re getting off track. Devon disagrees. He deserves to know if Billy’s actually tempted her. Lily thinks she deserves to know if he’s pushing her because he’s realized he doesn’t want her at Winters. “Maybe Billy’s right and you do want total autonomy.” She refers to his “control issues” and looks to Nate for back up, but he won’t touch it. Lily doesn’t know how to convince her brother she wants to work with him. She tells them both to leave so she can get some work done.
In their hotel suite, Adam orders champagne and tells Chelsea he’d like to celebrate. Her phone rings and it’s one of Connor’s doctors. She asks, “Now? Sure. We’re room #711.” Chelsea disconnects and tells Adam Dr. Hammond is going to stop by. She doesn’t think it sounds good. Adam shrugs that she may want to talk about his timeline or see how the visit went.
Chelsea lets the doctor in when she arrives. Hammond explains she was working late and on her way home. Adam and Chelsea tell her how great the visit with Connor was, and that he was articulate and positive about his progress. Sshe says, “Unfortunately, that’s exactly the problem.”
In Society, Billy asks Chance if he can count on him to have his back and help do the extra work. Chance is in. He wants to be a team player and do his part. Billy offers him COO of Abbott-Chancellor. Chance jokes that he’ll need a new suit. Just then, Devon and Nate walk in. Devon asks Chance what he thinks about Billy’s idea. Chance replies, “I feel like the more important question is, how do you feel about it?” Devon is on the fence. Billy can’t understand why unless it’s because it was his idea. Devon says he’d be getting his way by not having to work with him anymore. Chance asks what would get him to one side of it. Devon will go with however the board votes. Billy asks, “Really? Even though you know Lily and I pretty much have this locked up. Are you sure about that?” Devon says he’ll have to wait and find out.
At a table, Devon tells Nate that Billy’s such a tool. He can’t stand having to work with him anymore. Nate thinks he’s pushing his buttons so he’ll cut ties with Chancellor. Devon doesn’t like the fact that he’s clouding Lily’s judgment. He knows his sister, and that she likes a challenge. They have to consider that she may be tempted to run Chancellor with Billy. Nate argues he may be creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Lily wasn’t wrong to wonder if he’s the one pushing her away.
At Chancellor, Chance knocks on Lily’s office door and lets her know Billy brought him up to speed on the divide and conquer plan. Lily warns they still have a board vote to get through. “What is it you wanted?” Chance just wanted to let her know he’s all in. “This is not me kissing up or anything, but I do look forward to working more closely with you.” He’s been thoroughly impressed with how she does things. She seems to rise above the in-fighting, which is a huge loss for the Winters side and a big gain for Abbott-Chancellor.
In the park, Billy takes a call from his mother and tells her she’s looking good. Jill crows that she’s the doctors’ star patient. Billy grins. She has no idea how happy that makes him. They discuss her telling Chance her secret. It’s nice to have someone else to talk to about it. He updates her that he and Lily pitched Devon and Nate and the board vote is ready to go, but Abby’s on a plane to Paris. Jill says, “How nice for her.” Billy tells her, “Not exactly. It’s personal reasons. Ashley’s going through some health stuff as well.” Jill’s sorry to hear that. Billy says as soon as she lands they’ll be good to go. Jill tells her son that’s why she called… she’s having second thoughts.
Billy asks what’s giving her second thoughts. Jill did a deeper dive into some post-merger numbers. Combined, their companies are very strong. Do they want to risk splitting them up again? Billy assures her that with him and Lily at the helm all will be well. Jill asks if he’s sure Lily is totally on board. She can’t imagine she’d be so anxious to share her CEO status with him, given their history. Billy thinks she’s more than ready to part ways with Devon.
At Chancellor, Chance tells Lily how much the company means to him. She knows his name is on it. Talk turns to Billy, and Lily admits that he’s as smart as he thinks he is. Chance just hopes everything will settle down after this, instead of who is going to come out on top. Lily thanks him for his honesty. She knows he cares about Abbott-Chancellor. Chance assures her he’ll keep the demerger under wraps until it’s official. Once alone, Lily looks at a photo of her and her dad. She remembers Neil telling her and Devon that they’re going to leave their personal issues at the door and create the gold standard of family businesses.
In Chelsea’s hotel suite, the doctor tells her and Adam that Connor’s OCD flared after the visit. The OCD tells them they don’t deserve the happiness they’re feeling. A punishment. Adam asks if he hit himself again. The doctor says it started with the hitting, and then he used a pen and tried to cut his arm. Chelsea gasps. The doctor says one of the nurses stopped him before he could break the skin. Since he tried to hurt himself again, they moved him to in-patient status for his own protection. Adam asks what that means. Hammond says he’s been moved to another wing, will be checked on more often, and won’t see his regular doctors. Adam asks, “Won’t that upset him? Won’t that cause him to backslide?” Hammond says the OCD is trying to regain control. Chelsea asks how long he’ll be there. The doctor says it could be a few days or a couple of weeks. Adam thanks her for telling them in person. She promises to keep them posted and leaves. Chelsea looks out the window with tears in her eyes and Adam says, “That was not the news I was hoping for.”
They mill around for a few minutes and Adam doesn’t know what to think. He wonders if the place let them take him out too soon. Chelsea doesn’t respond. He asks her not to shut down right now. She should tell him to shut up or calm down. Chelsea is just trying to hold on; it’s her turn to need support. Adam apologizes. Chelsea cries, “He attacked himself, Adam! Our precious little boy took a pen and tried to stab himself!” She worries he’s been struggling with this all along and they never noticed because they’ve been too focused on themselves. “Maybe we’re just two really selfish people who never put their son first.” Adam says that’s not true. Chelsea cries that they were celebrating, “And now look!” Adam sits her down and rubs her back as she cries, “None of this is OK.” Adam tells her Connor will be OK. “And so will we.” He holds her.
In the park, Jill tells Billy she’s been seeing things from a different perspective. Billy reminds her she gave him her voting power. This is the right thing to do, and she needs to let him run with it.
At Society, Nate tells Devon if he wants to run Winters alone, “Just say so.” Devon wants to run it with his family. Nate says, “Want to is one thing.” He points out he and Lily don’t have to do everything together. He’ll keep saying it’s Mamie or Billy causing the trouble when it’s him and Lily letting it happen. “So, I think you both need to take a breath before this vote happens and answer for yourselves, ‘what do you really want’?”
At Chancellor, Lily takes a call from Jill, who wants her to tell her that she’s really OK with this conscious uncoupling plan and won’t have regrets later. Lily wonders if she’s having second thoughts. She reminds Jill that Billy has her votes. Jill muses that if Billy has two votes, she’s struggling to believe it’s going to pave the way for a smooth transition. “I may have to vote my own shares on this one.” Lily asks which way she’s planning to vote. Jill says that’s the million dollar question. If they don’t get this right, they could lose the company that they’ve worked so hard to build.
Next on The Young and the Restless: Victor uses Kyle to outsmart Jack, Audra plots her next move, and Billy is bothered by Chelsea’s bond with Adam.