Here’s How Victor Gets Revenge On Jack On The Young and the Restless

Victor is very, very angry with Jack on The Young and the Restless. He and Diane even managed to get Jack not to be Nikki’s sponsor on last week’s episodes. On Friday, May 31, Victor even went so far as to forbid Nikki from seeing Jack. Plus, on Thursday, May 30, Diane threatened to leave Jack over Nikki.
How Dare Jack
How dare John Abbott’s son do what Victor’s (Eric Braeden) wife asked and become her Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor? How dare he care so much for Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott) that Jack (Peter Bergman) risked his own life to do what he thought was best for Nikki? Jack is trying to pretend that what he did, he did out of love for Nikki.
Well, Victor is too smart to fall for that lie. He knows Jack’s true motives: It was to make Victor look bad. It was to suggest that Victor can’t take care of his own wife. It was Jack’s way of disrespecting Victor. Well, two can play at that game! Victor will get Jack back for this, and he’ll get him good! (Victor is giving out lots of vengeance right now)
Step One
No one will ever accuse Victor of not being a good sport. He always picks on someone his own size. He never punches below his weight class. Victor warned Jack to back off. He came to his house, stood in Jack’s doorway, and mumbled some vague threats about keeping his distance, or else, you got that?
Victor played fair. Jack was the one who chose to disregard Victor’s very reasonable, very rational, almost audible warning. That means Victor is now perfectly within his rights to do whatever he pleases to get back at him.
Past Lives
Jack may be married to Diane (Susan Walters) now. But, once upon a time, Diane was so desperate to hook Victor that she tried to pass off baby Kyle (Michael Mealor) as his son. She even named him Christian!
Do you need any more evidence that Victor is the love of Diane’s life and Jack is just a poor, pathetic runner-up prize? Well, if you need it, you’ll get it. Victor already laid the groundwork for seducing Diane away from Jack. Now, he just has to decide to go through with it, and Diane is as good as his.
Tool Time
Obviously, Diane will fall into Victor’s arms the second he snaps his fingers. But, just as a back up plan, Victor can continue to encourage Kyle to drive a wedge between his parents.
After all, what other reason could Victor have had to tell Kyle the ridiculous whopper that he is the most steady, the most stable, and the most like John Abbott? The Kyle who can barely get through a conversation with his mommy and daddy without his eyes welling with tears and his chin starting to quiver if they don’t instantly agree he’s the best boy in the world? Victor was playing him. In the same way, he’ll be playing Diane shortly. And all to make Jack suffer.