In a shocking new piece of information dropped by an inside source, it now sounds as if Leon Brown may have played a significant role in ending their mother and father’s marriage. So, the question is: How exactly did Meri and Kody’s child manage to cause them to split up?

Sister Wives: Kody & Meri Brown Split Really Caused By Leon?
Speaking to The Sun, an inside source spilled the beans on Kody Brown’s true feelings toward his child Leon Brown. Namely, the source addressed whether Kody was supportive of his child transitioning.
Sadly for Leon, the source reveals Kody Brown does not support Leon. In fact, the source noted that Kody finds what Leon is doing to be “disgusting.” Kody Brown refers to his child as a “stranger” and tells people Leon is not the daughter he raised.

Sourced from Instagram
Now, the source goes on to reveal Leon Brown’s coming out as transgender created issues between Meri and Kody. Meri Brown was put in a position where she had to choose between her child and her husband. Like Janelle, Meri was not willing to pick Kody over her child.
“They [Leon and Kody] don’t have a relationship anymore, and because of it, it has affected his relationship with Meri, 100 percent. Leon is her only child, and she wasn’t going to disown them. She will pick Leon over Kody every day.”
Would They Still Be Together?
Learning that Leon Brown’s transition caused a major rift in Kody and Meri’s relationship, some fans wonder if they would still be together if things happened differently. Is it possible their child being transgender is to blame as the real reason they split up?

Given Meri Brown claiming they had problems long before the catfishing incident, fans can assume she doesn’t blame Leon. As the martial problems pre-date Leon’s transition.
Did you know that Leon Brown put their mother in a position where she had to choose between Leon and Leon’s father Kody? Are you surprised Kody doesn’t support Leon’s transition? Share your answers to the questions down below. And, keep coming back for more Sister Wives news.