As Hope Pleads With Thomas to Build a Future Together, Paris Insists She’s Not Worried About Losing Her Fiancé
As Hope Pleads With Thomas to Build a Future Together, Paris Insists She’s Not Worried About Losing Her Fiancé

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On today’s Bold & Beautiful, Hope’s in shock after hearing the Thomas and Paris news. “You and Paris are… what?” She rehashes the engagement news and Thomas confirms. They kept things private “to give it time.” They spent time together while Paris was at Forrester International and fell for each other.
Douglas goes over to Hope and says “It’s OK, mom.” His dad really loves Paris, this is for real. He then leaves with Paris after telling Hope how much he missed her. Alone, Hope just has one word. “Wow.”
“How could I have been so wrong? How could I have misread that?” She really thought he came back to restart their life together. “Why are you doing this?” Hope asks, wondering if Paris cares that Thomas was engaged to her sister and proposed to Hope not long ago.
He needed to move past his feelings and Hope spits out, “So this is how you do it?” There’s only so many times you can get shot down before you have to give up your dream, he tells her. She says the timing wasn’t right and he counters that while a part of him will always love Hope, he had to move on. “You gave me no choice.”
Hope apologizes for hurting him and letting him down, but that didn’t mean she stopped loving him or wanted him to leave. He says he had to, but in tears, she tells him he didn’t have to. He could have worked it out. “Have you just forgotten everything that we shared?”
No, he says. He’ll never forget what they had. “Then how can you move on so quickly with someone else, like we were nothing?” Thomas says he and Paris have something special too. Hope wants to be happy for him, but she can’t. He doesn’t expect her to, but it’s going to be OK.
Thomas was her rock, no matter what. His love and devotion were something she could count on. “A one woman man. And you still are, aren’t you? Only that woman isn’t me anymore, is it?” But… Paris? Is he sure?
Steffy and Ridge meanwhile are talking about Hope for the Future. Steffy’s reluctantly going along with the plan to give Hope more time to prove herself. But the line hasn’t been the same since Thomas left. (Good news, Steffy…) Ridge agrees with her, but he still thinks RJ and Zende can pull it back up to great again.
They then get into Hope going off the rails, “ever since Tomas made the wise decision to take Douglas and leave for Paris.” Just as they’re talking about how good Paris has been to Thomas and Douglas and the fact that Steffy has been talking to them, Ridge’s grandson bursts in: “Grandpa!”
They’re surprised to learn that Douglas and Thomas are there — “Not just us, his fiance too,” Douglas says. Steffy marvels that they’re engaged, then Paris comes in and Ridge realizes Steffy knew about the two of them. She did, but not that they were engaged!
Douglas mourns that he gave it away before his dad could. Paris notes that Ridge is surprised. “Yeah, I’m surprised, I didn’t know you were dating!!” They send Douglas off to visit Charlie so they can talk. Paris notes that Steffy and Ridge must have a lot of questions.
Ridge wants to know how long they were dating. Since shortly after Thomas moved to Paris. He didn’t want to say anything when Ridge visited because he wanted time with his dad. She says his first few weeks in Paris were sad and lonely. She was just trying to cheer him up at first, but then they formed a “profound connection.” She loves Thomas and knows he loves her.
In the show’s final moments, Steffy and Ridge admit they’re both caught off guard. Steffy notes that Thomas never mentioned marriage. Where is he anyway? With Hope, Paris says. “Ohhhh, OK…” Steffy responds, casually asking how Hope took it. Paris says she left them alone to talk and Steffy asks if that was wise given their history. Thomas moved on, but Hope isn’t ready to let go. It’s fine, says Paris, she believes in Thomas and the fact that he’s over Hope.
Hope, meanwhile, demands to know if Thomas really loves Paris. “I asked her to marry me.” She says that doesn’t answer her question, but he says it did. He asked Hope twice and she turned him down. Hope says that whatever he and Paris have “will never even be close to what we shared.”
Rome, the fashion show, the kiss in front of the Coliseum — it was real! They created something beautiful, deep and true. “A man has never moved me the way that you do,” she says in tears. Everyone was trying to break them apart, but no one could. They’ve got a future if they just want it. “You don’t have to marry Paris, Thomas. Please.”
Thomas just looks at her as she stands right in front of him in tears.