A few months after Big Ed and Liz’s break up, she found herself in the most healthy relationship of her life. Everyone from the cast of Happily Ever After also met her boyfriend, Jayson, during the Tell All. However, once he left, Big Ed and Liz continued acting very lovey-dovey, and it confused a lot of castmates! So, are they together? What about Jayson now?
90 Day Fiance: Big Ed & Liz Still Had Eyes On Each Other! What Would Jayson Say About This?
Big Ed and Liz finally ended their engagement on 90 Day Fiance when he cancelled their wedding behind her back. It was the final straw in their relationship, and they broke up for once and for all. After a few months, the latter found a new man, Jayson Zuniga, and they have been together for ten months now. But things got a bit questionable during the Tell All.
The Happily Ever After castmembers were confused seeing how much time Big Ed and Liz were spending with eachother. Even after the latter had admitted to being in a new relationship and introducing Jayson to everyone, they found the former couple mingling. Liz was hugging Ed randomly and also lovingly brushing his hair with her hands once in a while.

Patrick had raised concerns about this. He called Liz scandalous for her behavior. Then, he implied that Big Ed also might be trying to hook up with his ex for “old time’s sake.” He knew that Jayson wouldn’t approve of this and might just be done with Liz after seeing how she was behaving with Ed.
Even if the former couple shared a passionate hug while saying goodbye to eachother, Liz was sure that she was meeting Ed the last time. However, the 90 Day Fiance celeb wanted to maintain a friendship with his ex and also got her to unblock herself on Instagram from Big Ed’s phone.
90 Day Fiance: Liz Admits To Having Love For Big Ed While Crying!
While all the Happily Ever After castmates were in the mansion, Ashley and Liz had a heart-to-heart conversation. The former wanted to know if she still had feelings for Big Ed. She began to cry while saying that she wasn’t in love with him but had a lot of love for him. Even after moving on, she still felt she didn’t have closure as he cancelled their wedding behind her back.

Liz also admitted to having a good man back home, but being around Big Ed at the mansion was confusing. Most 90 Day Fiance castmates didn’t approve of this, especially Patrick. Even the fans were in a fix about what Liz wanted. They couldn’t believe how polite and nice she was to someone who had tried to bring her down and embarrassed her on multiple occasions.
Although Liz recently celebrated her 10 month anniversary with Jayson, fans didn’t like the closeness she shared with Big Ed. They think both of them are very toxic for each other. So, it would be better if they maintained a distance from one another.